4×12 Tiered Raised Garden w/ Irrigation Built In 5 Min – Easy Growing Ep. 25

On this episode, I’m building a 4×12 Tiered Raised Garden Kit, complete with irrigation, without needing any tools, in less than 5 minutes!

4×12 Tiered Raised Garden w/ Irrigation Built In 5 Min – Easy Growing Ep. 25

How It Works

Hi everyone, I’m Bryan Traficante from GardenInMinutes.com and this is Easy Growing Episode #25. On today’s episode I’m going to be building a 4×12 Tiered Raised Garden Kit complete with irrigation and plant spacing. Courtesy of our Garden Grid™ watering system of course and I’m going to do this all without needing any tools and it’ll take under five minutes.

So, the reason I can do this is because all Garden In Minutes® garden bed boards are modular and tool-free. Basically, we design them so that way they just slide together using a male and female joint and a connecting pin. And basically you don’t need to use any nails, screws, drills… anything! Just your hands! Slide them together connect it and you’re good to go.

We build it this way so you can actually enjoy your time doing what you intended to do, which is gardening… Instead of hours or an entire weekend having to build a garden bed from scratch.
Then the plant spacing and irrigation of course comes from our Garden Grid™ Watering System. It is a pre-assembled plant spacing guide and irrigation system in one. It comes to you in pre-assembled sections.
You just pop it together, lay it in your garden connect to your garden hose and you’re good to go! So I’ll take you over here, show you the process of how I’m going to build this from start to finish, it should take less than five minutes and we’ll be ready to start planting some plants! Here we go!
** Garden Bed Being Assembled **

Garden Soil Tip

Alright our 4×12 tiered garden bed is now built. If you’re watching the clock at the bottom of this video you’ll see that it took just over two and a half minutes to make this entire layout. The next step of course, is adding in garden soil. It’s a simple process, basically just pouring soil into here, so we’re gonna skip over that.
BUT, the one tip that I do have is that when you go to add your soil to your garden bed for the first time make sure you over-fill it by about an inch or two that way as the soil compacts it will be level with the top of your boards. Fresh soil tends to compact a little bit after you put it in for the first time. So we’ll go ahead and do that process real fast and get to the fun part of adding in our Garden Grid™ Watering Systems!

Adding The Garden Grid™ Watering System

Alright! So the soil is now in our 4×12 tiered raised garden bed. So the next step is to add our Garden Grid™ Watering Systems. We’re going to be adding 3 –4×4 Garden Grid™ Watering Systems to this layout. The 4×4 Garden Grid comes in three pieces. You have a left half, right half and a water feed tube to connect to your garden hose. So the setup process and assembly is really quick and easy. Basically, you just take the halves of each and push and wiggle them onto their fittings like so. So you just push and wiggle… push and wiggle… and continue for the rest of the Garden Grid™ all the way until you’re done with the last one. Alright, make sure they’re all on, then go ahead and grab your water feed tube and you connect as well. Basically, push and wiggle right on to the fitting and this 4×4 is ready to go, so we’ll lay it in our garden. On top of our soil there…Then we’ll repeat that with the other two Garden Grid™ Watering Systems. Take our left half and right half, push the fitting in and wiggle, push and wiggle and continue that for the rest of your Garden Grid™. It’s a simple process. Once you’re done add the water feed tube again now you have your second Garden Grid™ ready. Lay that right there… then finish off with our third one. So go ahead and take our halves, press them together. Alright, that one to that one… that one there… and the last one. And, of course, the water feed tube. We’ll lay this on the taller section.

Connecting Everything To One Water Source

Okay so now we want to connect them all together so they can all run from one water source. That’s easily done with our 8″ tall manifold, which we connect one Garden Grid™ into then the next… Now these two Garden Grids™ are connected together. Lastly, we’re going to take one of our custom length 5ft long garden hoses and connect it from that Garden Grid™ to the manifold so all three of them can run off of one water source. So we’ll go here connect it to the manifold. Then we’ll run it right over to our Garden Grid™ as such. Reposition everything exactly how we want it and very last, add your garden hose that’s coming from your hose spigot to the manifold and your entire garden is ready to go!

Here’s How to Make This Yourself

There you have! 4×12 tiered raised garden kit with irrigation and plant spacing. The entire process, if you’re watching the clock should have taken just under five minutes and this entire kit is a pretty simple thing to make yourself if you’re interested in doing so. Here’s What This Setup Consists Of:

  • 4×4 Raised Garden Kit (16″ height)
  • 2 – 4ft Expansion Sets
  • 2 – 4×4 Garden Grid™ watering systems
  • 8″ Tall Manifold
  • 5ft Garden Hose
Put that all together with some soil and you’re ready to plant your own garden in less than five minutes. That’s it for today so please, if you have any questions, layout ideas, or any comments, feel free to leave them in the comment section below.


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