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"..this raised bed...it's the only one we've seen that comes with its own irrigation system." - Kelly Reilly, BHG

“GardenInMinutes.com makes starting a garden easy even for a novice...” - Kate Harrison, Forbes

"Want the convenience of full-coverage watering & a grid in one? Try a Garden In Minutes® Garden Grid™ watering system!"

Garden In Minutes is an excellent name for this product: it says it all. That company has removed the last excuse not to garden this spring.

"my favorite way to water my raised beds is the Garden in Minutes Garden Grid. Not only will it work easily for one bed, but it can work for multiple beds."

"After experimenting with various drip line systems.. the Garden Grid from Garden In Minutes stands out as the best way to water raised bed gardens."

"From the clean look of their products to the efficiency of their planting squares ~ your garden will look beautiful while thriving!"

About Garden In Minutes®
Family-Owned & Florida Grown. Garden In Minutes® is a family story. A story about a husband designing a better way for his wife to garden, so she could enjoy her limited free-time growing her garden & knowing her plants got enough water, instead of building & worrying about one. From the first design, to running a business out of a garage, to now having a patent for that design & happy gardeners across the entire U.S. – Garden In Minutes® is all about making it effortless to grow your best garden.
Our Products Stand Out
Home of the gardening world’s top-rated Garden Grid™ watering system, modular & food-safe metal Raised Garden Beds, & the perfect garden accessories to create a long-lasting, thriving, and organized garden in no time