'The Spicy Dame' - A Jalapeno, Cucumber, Vodka Cocktail

Sweet, Spicy, and Fresh. The Spicy Dame is a brilliant garden cocktail combining a variety of fresh herbs and vegetables that give it a distinguished flavor, perfect for a handcrafted weekend indulgence.

'The Spicy Dame' - A Jalapeno, Cucumber, Vodka Cocktail

What you can grow in your garden:

  • Mint
  • Ginger
  • Cucumber
  • Jalapenos

Cocktail Ingredients

  • 1.5 oz vodka
  • Ginger root
  • 1/8 cup of honey
  • 5 Mint leaves
  • 2 slices of Jalapeno (size based on spice desired)
  • 2 slices of cucumber

Cocktail Directions

  1. Peel and grind the ginger root into a small dish and mix with 1 part water and 2 parts honey.
  2. Combine the mint, jalapeno, and cucumber in a cocktail shaker and muddle well.
  3. Add vodka, 1.5 oz of ginger syrup, and a few cubes of ice.
  5. Strain the combination over a new glass of ice and garnish with a mint leaf, jalapeno and/or cucumber slice.

Want to grow your own fresh cocktail ingredients? Check out our all-in-one plant spacing guide to help you get started!

  • Special thanks to our friends at Yummly for inspiring this garden cocktail!

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