How Do You Add Mulch, Soil, or Solid Fertilizer w/ A Garden Grid™

Adding Soil, Mulch, or Fertilizer Solids When Using The Garden Grid™? It’s easy! 💧

How Do You Add Mulch, Soil, or Solid Fertilizer w/ A Garden Grid™

🌱 If you have plants growing, simply lift your Garden Grid™ up & spread your mulch, soil, or fertilizer underneath.

💧 If you don't have plants growing (or they're small enough) you have 2 options, which are easier than the above & allow you to add more soil/mulch/fertilizer at once (e.g. pouring in a bag, wheel barrel, etc.).

1️⃣ Lift it out and pivot it at The Water Feed Tube so everything can stay connected.
2️⃣ Completely disconnect The Garden Grid and take it out of your garden.

🌱 Add your mulch, soil, and/or fertilizer & then place The Garden Grid™ watering system back on top.

Always keep your Garden Grid™ on top of your soil & mulch so you can continue to see how much you're watering & of course, use the squares for plant spacing. The mulch will still help retain moisture once the water gets beneath it and the Garden Grid™ being on top will help prevent mulch from getting wind-blown, especially if using lighter mulch like straw or hay.
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