Growing Eggplant As A Perennial? Here's How

Growing Eggplant As A Perrenial - Did You Know You Can Do That?
You sure can!

Growing Eggplant As A Perennial? Here's How
It’s called overwintering. And, if your climate is warm enough (or you can keep the plant warm enough) you can keep your same eggplant plant alive for years to come.

So, if you successfully do this, once it’s warm out again, the plant will start producing sooner than a new seedling 🙌

You can do this with a variety of other plants too, such as peppers (hot or sweet), tomatoes, & okra!

All of these plants fortunately have the same plant spacing needs, 1 per Garden Grid™ square. So, if you're in a colder climate & need to dig them up to bring inside, it will be fairly easy to do!

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