Garden to Table Recipes
Garden to Table Recipes are all about eating what you grow! As you know, we love gardening! Seeing a seed grow into a plant, tending to it and seeing it produce food is a feeling of accomplishment like no other. But once everything is grown and harvested, the exciting...
Garden Frost Protection Tips
4 Steps for Garden Frost Protection We always know it's going to happen, but we never know exactly when. Sometimes it surprises us in fall or drags out into the spring, and it certainly happens during winter! We're talking about frost. The chilly destroyer of gardens!...
All About Square Foot Gardening
Square Foot Gardening - What It Is & How to Do It Overview: In this article we'll cover the background of square foot gardening, how you do it, share some great square foot gardening resources including our plant spacing guide, and tools to make starting a square...
Let's Grow Together!
No more complicated assembly, no more cumbersome construction, no more worrying if your plants are getting watered.
Let's grow your best garden in minutes!